Tuesday, Feb. 4 - Weather update: delayed opening. UVic remains closed and will communicate the status of campus operations by 6:30am tomorrow morning. If the university re-opens tomorrow, Athletics and Recreation facilities will open at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025.
Continue to check uvic.ca/weather for updates.


COVID-19 facilities and programs updates

Last updated: May 12, 2022 @ 8:09AM

Note: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Vikes Athletics and Recreation continues to make adjustments to programs, services and facility access. Please check back for regular updates.

April 8, 2022

Vaccine passport update: On April 8, 2022, following the updated BC Provincial Health Guidelines, proof of vaccination will no longer be required under public health order to access CARSA and McKinnon Gym events and services.

March 10, 2022

Today we received exciting news from the Provincial Health Officer, as of March 11, 2022, at 12:01AM that there will be an easing of province-wide restrictions thanks to B.C.’s lowered hospitalization and transmission rates.

Effective Friday, March 11, at 6:00AM, masks are no longer required, but encouraged in public/common spaces inside CARSA and McKinnon Gym.

Please note that while masks are encouraged and not required in our facilities, everyone is welcome to continue wearing masks at their own discretion. Please respect peoples comfort level.

We will keep you informed on updates as we get closer to the April 8th deadline for relinquishing proof of vaccination requirements in our facilities.

February 17, 2022

There will be an easing of province-wide restrictions allowing the CARSA Fitness Weight Centre, McKinnon Weight Room, climbing and group fitness to return to full capacity. With proof of vaccination and masks, these activities can return to normal:

  • Say goodbye to CARSA Fitness Weight Centre reservations! Come in for your workout, anytime*, for however long you like, effective Thursday, February 17.
  • Pool reservations remain for the winter term, but we have increased capacity from 15 to 25. For further information or to reserve your spot, visit us here.
  • *McKinnon weight room reservation system will be lifted but will remain on reduced hours due to staffing shortages. Please see hours of operations here
  • Group fitness reservations remain in place, visit the registration portal here.
  • The CARSA Climbing Centre will be returning to drop-in at full capacity. For hours and more information, please see our climbing page here.
    Members are requested to continue to use disinfectant spray bottles, which will be made available throughout the workout spaces.

Restrictions and safety measures that aren't changing: (Restrictions and safety measures that remain in place will be reviewed in March and April 2022.)

  • Masks to be worn at all times, except when actively exercising.
  • Proof of vaccination is still required
  • Towel service will not be available until further notice

We thank you for your patience and flexibility over the past two months as we’ve had to navigate the Provincial Health Orders.

January 20, 2022

The CARSA Fitness Weight Centre, McKinnon Weight Room, and group fitness classes will open Jan. 20, 2022, operating at a reduced capacity based on 7m2 of floor space per person for both individual and group fitness and exercise classes.

In accordance with the provincial and regional restrictions released Jan. 18, 2022, the following guidelines will be in place:

CARSA Fitness Weight Centre and McKinnon Weight Room

  • Reduced capacity based on 7m2 of floor space per person for both individual and group fitness and exercise classes.
  • Reservations are required*, visit the registration portal here, or download the Vikes Active app.
  • Sharing of activity spaces, including spotting during lifts, is not permitted.
  • Individual spray bottles and towels will once again be provided for enhanced cleaning.
  • Enhanced cleaning measures will take place pre and post workout.
  • Masks to be worn at all times, except when actively exercising. We strongly encourage people wear a mask even when exercising.
  • Change rooms, locker rentals and equipment rentals are available.
  • Plan to arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to your reservation. Early admittance is not permitted.

Group Fitness

All group fitness, spin and studio classes will re-open Jan. 20, with reduced capacity. In addition to floor space, all group fitness and exercise classes have a max capacity limit of 25 people. Please note, this will limit the number of spots available in classes where space is limited.

  • Reservations are required, visit the registration portal here.
  • All of the above restrictions apply.

*You may only book one workout block per day, 72 hours in advance. Double bookings will be removed.

Please know that if you don’t show up for a booked workout and fail to cancel two hours prior to your reservation time, your reservation privileges may be removed. Proof of vaccination is still required to access all our facilities and services. Please continue to self-assess prior to your visit and please do not visit if you feel unwell.

January 4, 2022

CARSA building hours

Mon-Fri: 8:00AM–8:00PM
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM–6:00PM

Restricted and will remain closed until January 19

  • CARSA Fitness Weight Centre and McKinnon weight rooms
  • Fitness and dance classes
  • Sports tournaments

Not Restricted

  • Squash
  • Swimming
  • Climbing
  • Hockey / Skating
  • Intramural league play for individual or team sports. Learn more about intramural sports here
  • Drop in activity where participants compete individually against each other
  • Adult indoor sport or recreation programs as long as it does not exceed 50% of the space occupancy

In response to the recent announcement of a renewed mask mandate, masks are now required in all public indoor settings for all people born in 2017 or earlier (5+).

All visitors should continue to self-assess prior to your visit and please do not visit if you feel unwell.

CARSA building hours for the week of January 4 will be 6:00 am to 9:00PM, however this may be adjusted during the week based on staffing availability.

December 22, 2021

In accordance with the PHO’s orders, the CARSA facility will be closing as of midnight, December 22, 2021, until end of day January 3, 2022. The McKinnon Pool and ISC Rink will be closed from December 24 to January 3, inclusive. While weight room and studio restrictions are in effect until January 18, 2022, we will reassess again prior to January 4, 2022, to see if there is operational capacity to open some of our facilities.

Please monitor the uvic.ca/covid19 for important updates including resumption of UVic Athletics and Recreation programs and services. As information and guidelines continue to develop, we will be fine-tuning and updating these details.

Membership extensions will be administered once a date for resumption of services has been determined.

In the meantime, our talented group of fitness instructors and trainers are working on several virtual Group Fitness classes and Personal Training options to help you stay active during the shutdown.

We will be providing access to CARSA and McKinnon to collect and remove any required items from rental lockers during our closure. Access to the facility will be provided December 23, 7am – 3pm and December 24th, 8am – 12pm. Entry to and from CARSA will be facilitated through the front entrance and limited to locker rooms and hallway spaces only. Verification will be required for access to CARSA by membership card or valid government identification.

For members whose lockers expire December 31, if you are unable to retrieve your contents on the dates noted above your locker will remain intact until January 18th at 12pm.

McKinnon locker members - Please visit us in the CARSA lobby and we will provide you with access to McKinnon.

December 13, 2021

In response to the recent increase in COVID-19 cases across the University of Victoria community, Athletics & Recreation is instituting the following updates to CARSA facility protocols as a precautionary measure effective Monday, December 13th.

  • Masks will once again be required AT ALL TIMES, including during workouts, and while participating in all programs (i.e. fitness classes) and open recreation activities, including while playing squash.
  • It is imperative to practice social distancing (two metres apart) while using the Fitness Weight Centre. Please keep a safe physical distance from others around you at all times.
  • Sharing of activity spaces, including spotting during lifts, is not permitted.
  • Individual spray bottles and towels will once again be provided for enhanced cleaning.
  • All existing safety measures (cleaning spaces pre/post workouts, etc.) remain in effect.
  • Building hours will remain 6:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m. until holiday hours commence Dec. 20th. Please view the full holiday schedule online.
  • Masks continue to be mandatory in public/common spaces for anyone over the age of 12.

Continue to check back for regular updates.

October 7, 2021

CARSA Membership Services has developed a new process to accommodate and streamline the daily volume of patrons accessing services in our facilities that require Proof of Vaccination.

Beginning the week of Tuesday, October 12, members will now have the option to check-in at the CARSA Membership Services desk to show proof of vaccination and sign a waiver that acknowledges we are recording their vaccination status. This process will enable participants to enter the premises in the future without presenting daily proof of vaccination.

Members who are partially vaccinated will be required to repeat this step by October 24 to confirm that they meet the requirements for full vaccination.

Members can withdraw consent at any time and all records will be deleted once the proof of vaccination requirement is lifted or when consent is withdrawn (https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/vaccine/proof/businesses#app).

September 13, 2021

Effective, Monday September 13, Vikes Athletics and Recreation will require photo ID and proof of vaccination for access to the following activities and events:

  • Indoor ticketed sporting events
  • CARSA Fitness and Weight Centre and studio exercise programs
  • Indoor recreation facilities
  • All indoor adult recreational sport activities for people 20 years and older (racquet sports, basketball, martial arts)

The following activities will be exempt from proof of vaccine:

  • Pools and all activities taking place in the pool
  • All indoor youth recreational sport activities for people 19 years and younger
  • Birthday parties

For September 13, patrons must have at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, and by October 24, 2021 must be fully vaccinated (two doses) to access the programs/services listed above. The requirement applies to all people born in 2009 or earlier (12+).

Youth aged 12-18 who are accessing fitness activities or events are only required to show proof of vaccination and not government issued photo ID. Please see the BC Proof of Vaccination website for more information - https://www! 2.gov.bc.ca/vaccinecard.html

Students from BC must show:

  • BC Vaccine Card
  • Valid government photo ID or UVic OneCard

Students from other provinces or territories must show:

  • provincially/territorially recognized vaccine record
  • Valid government photo ID or UVic OneCard

International Students must show:

  • Proof of vaccination they used to enter Canada (like ArriveCAN)
  • Passport or UVic OneCard

The requirement is in place until January 31, 2022 and could be extended.

At this time proof of vaccination will be required upon every visit. Please factor this in to your arrival time and have your documents ready to assist us in making the process as smooth as possible.

September 7, 2021

New fall building hours will run from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. The new fall Group Fitness schedule starts Wednesday, September 8. Learn more

Say goodbye to Fitness Weight Centre reservations!

McKinnon Pool reservations remain for the fall term. For further information or to reserve your spot, visit us here.

Informal rec opens, including:

  • Change rooms and showers.
  • Long term locker rentals.
  • Equipment rentals such as skipping ropes and super bands.
  • Note: Towel service will not be available until further notice.
August 24, 2021

In accordance with the new province-wide restrictions, as of August 25, masks are required in all public indoor settings for all people born in 2009 or earlier (12+).

What are public indoor settings:

  • elevators
  • lobbies
  • stairwells
  • bathrooms

Masks will be required when entering and exiting all facilities, but may be temporarily removed while participating in a sport or fitness activity.

July 21, 2021
  • The reservation system will remain in place for now with workout blocks extended from 75 minutes to 90 minutes.
  • The FWC capacity will increase and patrons will be able to utilize both upper and lower levels during their reservation time.
  • Traffic and directional flow will look different. Patrons will have access to both the upper and lower levels of the FWC using the stairs located inside the FWC.
  • Workout pods will be removed with physical distancing still encouraged.
  • All large equipment will be back in action including platforms, treadmills, and benches.
  • Sanitization stations with single use towels will be set-up in several locations within the FWC. Patrons are responsible for continuing to sanitize equipment after use.
  • Day use lockers are back and tokens are available at the membership service desk.
  • McKinnon Pool will remain on the reservation system.

Continued patience is appreciated for the following items:

  • Change rooms and showers.
  • Long term locker rentals.
  • Towel rentals.
  • Equipment rentals such as skipping ropes and super bands.
July 20, 2021

FWC upper level closed for facility maintenance as equipment is getting moved back in.

July 19, 2021

FWC lower level closed for facility maintenance as equipment is getting moved back in.

July 15, 2021

Building hours will remain 7:00AM–8:00PM until further notice.

Masks are recommended in public/common spaces for anyone over the age of 12 who is not fully vaccinated. We are expecting the masking guidance will be amended to a personal choice come Step 4.

June 29, 2021

As a result of the updated Province-wide restrictions, we have received confirmation that Step 3 of the BC Restart Plan will commence July 1.

We are excited for the imminent return to normalcy and are working with our partners on campus to adapt our facilities, programs and safety measures to the new guidelines. Please be patient as we work through these logistics - the safety of our patrons is foremost in our efforts.

As information and guidelines continue to develop over the next few days, we'll be working with UVic Occupational and Health Services to assist with the implementation of regulations and policies required by federal and provincial authorities. Until that time, our current prevention measures remain in place.

Please check back soon for updates as we are working hard to transition into Step 3.

June 14, 2021

As a result of the updated Provincial Health Order, we have received confirmation that Step 2 of the BC Restart Plan will commence June 15. We will be welcoming back indoor high intensity classes (Spin and Tabata) effective Wednesday, June 16. Registration is now open. Masks continue to be required while indoors, including while exercising. People who are unable to wear a mask due to a health condition or a physical, cognitive or mental impairment are required to maintain at least 3m distance at all times when in the facility.

April 20, 2021

As a result of the provincial health officer announcement on April 19 (news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2021HLTH0079-000742), our current indoor group fitness classes suspension will be extended until May 26, 2021.

April 6, 2021

As per the updated Public Health Order (Indoor Individual Exercise Requirements, March 31, 2021), MASKS MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES while indoors, including while exercising. People who are unable to wear a mask due to a health condition or a physical, cognitive or mental impairment are required to maintain at least 3m distance at all times when in the facility.

March 29, 2021

As a result of the updated Provincial Health Orders issued on March 29, 2021, we have temporarily suspended all indoor group fitness classes effective immediately. Indoor classes will resume Tuesday, April 20, 2021, unless advised otherwise by the Provincial Health Officer (PHO).

March 1, 2021

Beginning March 1, Island Health will be operating a COVID-19 vaccination clinic in McKinnon Gym. Gabriola Road between Ring Road and parking lot 2 will be restricted to one-way traffic eastbound to accommodate the vaccination clinic. Parking stalls in lot 2 near McKinnon Gym will also be reserved for short-term clinic parking for clients. Please follow the signs. See the full update here on UVic's website.

All appointments for vaccinations will be pre-booked through Island Health. Visit islandhealth.ca/covid19vaccine to get details about who is eligible, when and how to register and for resources and information.

February 1, 2021

Our five squash courts are now open to members for single play only (practice skills and drills) or private lessons. See full details: vikesrec.ca/squash

December 21, 2020

We have been given the go-ahead to restart Group Fitness classes on January 4, 2021.

November 24, 2020

In accordance with an update to the November 20 announcement from Dr. Bonnie Henry, we have temporarily suspended our indoor group physical activity including but not limited to: dance, martial arts, yoga, pilates, and group fitness, while a new guidance is being developed. Please continue to check our Vikes Active Living website for further updates surrounding group classes at CARSA. You can contact CARSA Membership Services in person, by email at vikesrec@uvic.ca or by phone at (250) 472-4000 with any questions surrounding these changes.

November 19, 2020

In response to Dr. Bonnie Henry's Public Health COVID-19 update, all spin classes have been suspended until further notice. HIIT classes have been revised to low intensity that meet Provincial Health Authority guidelines. Effective immediately, we have updated our group fitness schedule to reflect these changes and we will continue to monitor Provincial Health updates and directives. To preview these changes, please visit the Vikes Active Living website.

All classes will continue to be offered physically distanced, with a high level of sanitization and air circulation. The safety of our staff and members remain our top priority.

September 25, 2020

McKinnon Pool is opening on Monday, September 28 for lane swim and dive tank use. Advanced reservations are required. To reserve your swim time online go to our Active Living page, visit us in person at CARSA and McKinnon service desks or by phone at (250) 472-4000. New barriers have been installed to direct the flow of movement in McKinnon.