Note: Holiday hours on February 17 and modified hours February 18-21 for reading break. View all facility hours.


General policies


A membership is required for use of the Athletics and Recreation facilities. For membership information please visit the CARSA Membership Services counter or call 250-472-4000.

Most UVic students have an Athletics & Recreation fee included as part of their tuition payment. These students have access to a Base Membership with the Base Benefits (see Membership page for details). At a minimum, base membership is required for access to included facilities. Your validated UVic ONECard is your membership. If the above fees were not included as part of your tuition or you want additional opportunities for recreation, including access to CARSA, you can purchase CARSA memberships in person at Membership Services.

Valid identification

Vikes Athletics and Recreation exists to provide services to students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members. All participants must provide a valid membership ONE card to use the facilities. On the third occasion a valid membership card is forgotten or not presented, a $3.00 fee will be charged to verify your membership. Members will be required to provide their name and/or membership number. Membership cards are not transferable and misuse of a membership card to gain facility access is considered fraud. Misused identification cards will be confiscated.

Cancellation and no-show

You must cancel your reservation at minimum two hours prior to your reserved booking. If you do not cancel within this timeframe you will receive an email warning. Upon your third warning your CARSA Membership will be suspended for two days from online and in person reservations. During this period all existing reservations that are effected by your suspension will be cancelled from your registration profile. Any further no shows will result in a further two day suspension.

Private lessons and personal training

Sessions are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase. Twenty-four hour notice is required when canceling a session. Failure to give 24-hour notice will result in being charged for the missed session.

Refund policy

There are no refunds for any memberships, courses or programs unless they are canceled by Vikes Athletics and Recreation. Consideration will be given to those registrants providing signed doctor's certificates or academic certificates indicating timetable changes. A $10 administration fee will be charged for all approved refunds. All refund requests must be received within 30 days of date of purchase.

A $25 fee will be charged for NSF cheques. Credits on account are valid for 1 year from date of application.

For questions or concerns please contact the CARSA Membership Services counter or call 250-472-4000.

Please note there is a separate policy for Intramural refund requests.

Community use and guest passes

Programs, classes, fitness weight centre and racquet sport courts in CARSA are not just for the students, staff and faculty of the University of Victoria. Community members are encouraged to purchase memberships to have access to the variety of options that CARSA has to offer. A drop-in pass may also be purchased from the front desk at CARSA or the McKinnon Building as well as long-term membership access to fitness classes or the CARSA Fitness Weight Centre. Visitors must be 14 years of age or older to purchase a guest pass. Non-members under 14 may purchase a day pass but must be accompanied and supervised by an adult member (18 years of age or older) to use the facility.

Locker service policy

For member convenience, lockers are available for rent annually by term dates, 12-month term, 8-month term, 4-month term, or by purchase of daily tokens. Rented lockers expire at closing at 12PM on the last day of the rental term (either December 31, April 30, or August 31). Prior to expiry please remove your contents or renew your locker at the CARSA Membership Services counter or online. All expired lockers will be emptied and secured by Campus Security and held at location for minimum of 30 days. Vikes Athletics and Recreation is not responsible for any items left in lockers.

Towel service policy

Towel rental services are available at both CARSA and the McKinnon Building for one or two terms or a year. Members with towel service privileges will need to swipe their card to show they have towel service. The policy is one towel out and one towel in. A towel may be kept for one day and be must returned by end of day. Unreturned towels will suspend further towel service and towel replacement fees will be applied.

Age policy

This applies to the CARSA Fitness Weight Centre

For safety reasons children under the age of 14 are not permitted in the CARSA Fitness Weight Centre. Children 14 and 15 years are permitted to use the CARSA Fitness Weight Centre after completing a FWC Orientation course that they can sign up for at the CARSA Membership Services counter.

Workout attire

In an effort to prevent unnecessary wear and tear on equipment and machines, all participants are asked to wear clean, athletic clothing while working out or participating in activities. Athletic shoes with non-marking soles are required in all activity areas. Open toed shoes, sandals, and shoes with metal buckles are not allowed. Shoes with metal cleats may not be worn in the field house, on any UVic playing fields, or in any of the CARSA studios or courts. Shirts or appropriate tank tops must be worn in all activity areas. For safety reasons hats and jewelry should not be worn during any activity. Participants not wearing clothing properly or clothing found offensive by others will be required to adjust as needed. Review the Fitness Weight Centre Dress Code Policy.

Food, beverage and tobacco

Food is only allowed in the designated entrance area of CARSA. Beverages in plastic containers with resealable caps are permitted in change rooms and activity areas. No glass or metal containers are permitted in the centre. All facilities operated by Vikes Athletics and Recreation are alcohol and tobacco free. Smoking material and smokeless tobacco are not permitted in any facility. Individuals who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or other drugs or who are creating harmful situations will be asked to leave. Campus Security will be called to assist with individuals who do not cooperate.

Photography and video

Photography and video recording of any kind (including by phone) are not permitted anywhere in the CARSA and McKinnon facilities.

Damaged and lost equipment

Participants are able to check out various pieces of recreational equipment at both facilities with valid membership identification. Participants are responsible for any equipment.

All equipment rentals must be returned to the equipment desk by end of day. Failure to return equipment will result in a suspension of membership access until equipment is either returned or associated fees are paid.

Bicycles and Skateboards

Bicycles are not allowed in the Athletics and Recreation facilities. Skateboards cannot be ridden inside the facility, but can be brought inside the facility if it is secured in a locker.

Assumption of risk

Participation in recreational and fitness activities is completely voluntary whether participating in or spectating at any event or activity. Each individual assumes the risk for any harm or injury sustained. Neither the University of Victoria nor Vikes Active Living can assume any responsibilities for injuries incurred through participation in recreational facilities or activities. It is strongly advised that participants use caution and be aware of potential health risks associated with exercise. Should an accident, injury, or related incident occur, please contact the recreation centre staff immediately.

Accident / injury policy

Keeping participants safe is the first priority for Vikes Active Living staff. In the event of an emergency, participants are required to report all accidents, incidents or injuries to the nearest staff member so proper care can be provided. If an ambulance is necessary, the staff will follow emergency procedures. Employees may not transport an injured participant. In any injury situation, the injured person (if possible) and any witnesses will be asked questions for an incident report.

Camps policies


Vikes Athletics and Recreation requires notice by phone, email or in person no less than 7 days prior to the Vikes Camp start date in order to process a refund. All refunds are subject to a $15 administration fee (full day climbing and outdoor camps are subject to a $20 administration fee). All withdrawal requests within 7 days of the camp start date are non-refundable, unless a medical note is provided. Participants will receive an automatic full refund should Vikes Camps cancel a program for any reason. All refunds will be processed back to the original form of payment. Requests for camp transfers within 7 days of the camp start date require approval from and are at the discretion of the camps programmer, and are subject to program availability..

Climbing policies


It is advised that you review the below rules of conduct and safety before visiting the CARSA Climbing Centre:

  1. Anyone climbing must fill out a liability waiver form and go through an orientation of the climbing facility.
  2. No running.
  3. Do not occupy the space beneath other climbers.
  4. When bouldering we encourage the use of the crumple fall.
  5. Do not touch exposed metal (eg. belay anchors, hangers).
  6. No bare feet on the wall or the mats.
  7. Climbers must wear climbing shoes or any closed toed shoes.
  8. No food or drink permitted on mats.
  9. Ensure rings and all items from pockets are removed.
  10. Instruction of belay techniques to novices is not permitted in the facility unless done by CARSA staff.
  11. Do not climb over the glass railing between the lobby and the climbing wall.


  • All belayers on the climbing floor must have passed a belay test. All belay techniques must conform to the standard of the CARSA belay test
  • All lead climbers and lead belayers must have passed a lead orientation and test prior to using the lead climbing area.
  • Must be 14 years of age to belay without adult supervision.
  • Anyone climbing fill out a liability waiver form and go through an orientation of the climbing facility.
  • Patrons must sign a new waiver every year.
  • Any participant under the age of 19 will need a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian—with the exception of UVic students (specifically those living on campus).
  • Instruction of belay techniques to novices is not permitted in the facility unless done by CARSA staff.
  • Do not boulder above the established bouldering height on the tower, marked by the orange lines.
  • The order of priority within the gym is as follows: Lead and top-rope climbers share highest priority with regards to right-of-way, followed by boulderers.
  • Spectators/pedestrians must keep out of the way of all climbers, and make themselves aware where climbers are above them. Look around, and please stay out of the way.
  • Anchoring to the floor while belaying is not required, but it is mandatory for belayers who are belaying someone 150% of their weight (or near that). Novice belayers must also anchor down.
  • Lead belayers are not permitted to belay lead climbers more than 150% of their weight.
  • If a climber is not able to finish a route after attempting to lead it, the rope from that route should be pulled down immediately and stacked on the ground at the base of the route.
  • Staff persons reserve the right to reject any climbing equipment they deem to be unsafe.
  • All persons under 12 years of age must be supervised by an adult, and are not permitted to belay.
  • Please communicate your climbing intentions to your climbing neighbors, and be especially diligent when it’s busy.

Dance policies


There are no refunds for any memberships, courses or programs unless they are canceled by Vikes Athletics and Recreation. Consideration will be given to those registrants providing signed doctor's certificates or academic certificates indicating timetable changes. A $10 administration fee will be charged for all approved refunds. All refund requests must be received within 30 days of date of purchase.

A $25 fee will be charged for NSF cheques. Credits on account are valid for one year from date of application.

For questions or concerns please contact the CARSA Membership Services counter or call 250-472-4000.

Fitness policies

Group Fitness reservations

Reserve a Group Fitness class online or in person at CARSA Membership Services.

Online reservations will be available 72 hours prior to the start of each class time and closes 5 minute prior.

Group Fitness cancellation and no show

We understand life can be hectic at times but please plan to arrive 10 minutes before class begins. In order to preserve the experience for all participants and reduce the risk of injury, we cannot admit anyone who arrives after the scheduled class start time. Reservation cannot be guaranteed if arriving late and could result in a no show. Effective June 12 2023, group fitness studio doors will be locked once a class has begun.

How to cancel

To cancel your Group Fitness class requires a Netlink ID or CARSA Account ID.

  • Go to
  • Log in using your Netlink ID or by using your email or username.
  • Once logged in, select your ID in the top right corner and choose Profile.
  • Select Program Registrations, then choose the group fitness class you would like to cancel by clicking the dots to the right. Then select Cancel Registration.

Group Fitness check in

New process effective January 3, 2023.

Check in takes place inside the studio. Participants will self-check themselves in for class using the iPad mounted on the studio wall. Please plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to your class start time. Failure to check in will result in a no show.

Arriving late

We understand life can be hectic at times but please plan to arrive 10 minutes before class begins. In order to preserve the experience for all participants and reduce the risk of injury, we cannot admit anyone who arrives after the scheduled class start time. Arriving late to class may result in a no show.

Cleaning and modifications

Upon Arrival
  • Please come ready to workout.
  • Sanitize or wash hands for minimum of 20 seconds with soap and water or sanitizer prior to entry.
  • Please check in yourself inside the studio as early as 10 minutes prior to class start time.
Space Modifications
  • Fans are unavailable until further notice.
  • Yoga mats are unavailable until further notice.
Cleaning and Sanitization
  • Sanitize equipment before and after use.
  • Sanitize all equipment you used during your workout. Prompt clean up is required and appreciated.
  • Return equipment to where you found it.
  • Place used rags into designated bins as you exit the studio.

Fitness Weight Centre policies


  • Everyone MUST swipe in with their ONECard in order to enter the Fitness Weight Centre (FWC). This includes varsity athletes, staff, coaches, instructors, strength trainers, etc. Vikes Athletics and Recreation needs to ensure that all patrons using the facility have paid for a membership that allows them access specifically to the FWC and that have signed the online waiver required to use the facility. For emergency purposes, swiping in also indicates who is in the building and needs to be accounted for.
  • Personal belongings must be stored in lockers. ONLY cinch bags are allowed in the FWC, all other bags must be secured in a locker.
  • Patrons without a ONEcard must show valid receipt with correct date.
  • All weights must be returned to the proper racks after use.
  • No equipment is permitted to leave the facility at any time, or be altered in any way.
  • Patrons must sign out equipment with their ONECard from the CARSA Equipment Desk.
  • Slamming or dropping weight stacks or free weights is prohibited other than bumper plates on the platforms.
  • The department is not responsible for loss or theft of personal items
  • Children under the age of 14 years are not permitted in the FWC.
  • Youth ages 14-15 years old must complete the one-hour Fitness Weight Centre Youth Orientation in order to access the FWC. If your child is unable to attend one of the youth orientations listed in our guide, you can schedule an orientation at a time of your convenience. Personal training fees apply, please visit the personal training section for a detailed breakdown of the cost associated.
  • Drinks in glass containers or food are not permitted in the FWC.
  • In consideration of others, all ringers must be turned off while in the FWC. Patrons are not permitted to talk on their cell phones at any time.
  • Pictures and video recording (including by phone) are not permitted anywhere in the FWC.
  • Only coaches or personal trainers employed by the University of Victoria may train individuals in this facility.

Dress code

We are committed to offering a hygienic, safe and inclusive environment in our Fitness Weight Centre. All patrons are required to abide by the following Dress Code policy:

  • Patrons must wear clean, appropriate athletic clothing that cover the chest area along with athletic shoes (closed toed and heel) at all times.
  • Clothing with inappropriate statements, sandals, open-toed shoes, as well as shirtless and bare feet are not permitted in the Fitness Weight Centre.
  • Anyone not following the dress code will be asked to comply or leave.

Code of conduct

  • Wear appropriate clothing in accordance with the posted dress code.
  • Ensure equipment from the Fitness Weight Centre (FWC) is put back where it was found.
  • Secure all backpacks and belongings inside lockers.
  • Recording, picture taking and phone calls are not permitted.
  • Unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated, including foul and abusive language, personal or sexual harassment, physical violence or threats of physical violence, or willfully damaging property and/or equipment.
  • The CARSA FWC is shared space; please be respectful and aware of your impact on others.
  • Wipe down equipment after use and return equipment to where it belongs.
  • Report injuries, damage to equipment or other concerns promptly to the strength trainer.
  • Allow others to work through when performing multiple sets of any equipment. Equipment may not be used as a resting area.
  • CARSA is a scent-free zone. Help us keep the air we share healthy and fragrance free.
  • ONECard is required for access to the FWC and for equipment and towel lending. Fraudulent use of a membership card and/or card swapping will result in immediate suspension and loss of membership privileges. No refunds will be granted.

Failure to comply with the Code of Conduct could result in suspension or permanent loss of membership privileges.

Intramurals policies


UVic students pay a $34 registration fee and community members pay a $95 Community Intramural Access fee and the $34 registration fee.

Non-UVic students will have to purchase a Community Intramural Access Pass ($95 per semester) before they will be able to register teams or as a player for intramural leagues in the fall and winter semesters (This does not apply for summer intramurals). This fee is implemented on a per semester basis to ensure equitable participation costs, as UVic students contribute to a recreation fee included in their tuition each semester. The Community Intramural Access Pass helps maintain fairness so that all participants share the same overall cost for intramural activities.


Partial refunds for UVic Intramural programs will be granted only in the case of:

  1. medical conditions that prevent user from participation in league
  2. participant who is permanently moving over 30km away from UVic and is no longer attending UVic.

A refund request form with appropriate supporting documentation will be required and must be received within one week from the date of injury/illness. All granted refunds are subject to an admin fee. To request a refund, please contact


Locations are subject to change based on number of registered teams in each league.

Multiple teams/sports

If you wish to play more than one day in a particular sport (i.e.volleyball, soccer, ball hockey) you must register for each activity separately. You can only be registered on one team in an activity on one particular day.

Squash policies


  • Individual and match play allowed
  • Length of court booking is 45 minutes.
  • Plan to arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to your reservation.
  • Reservations: 2 spots = empty court, 1 spot = 1 person has reserved the court, No spots = Unavailable
  • Remember to share your court number with your partner so they can reserve into same space.
  • In the event of double booking, the first reservation will retain the court. Assistance with double bookings provided through Membership Services (space subject to availability).
  • Once you have checked-in with Membership Services staff you can proceed to your reserved court.
  • Water fill stations are available for personal water bottles.


You can reserve squash courts online, call 250-472-4000 for assistance or in person at CARSA Membership Services.

Please note:

  • Online and in-person reservations can be made 72 hours in advance.
  • Maximum one court reservation per day will be permitted. Reservation times are 45 minutes for play and 15 minutes for cleaning and transition.

Cancellation and no-show

You must cancel your reservation at minimum two hours prior to your reserved booking by phone 250-472-4000 or online.

If you do not cancel within this timeframe, you will receive an email warning. Upon your third warning your CARSA Membership will be suspended for two days from online and in person reservations. During this period all existing reservations that are affected by your suspension will be cancelled from your registration profile. Any further no shows will result in a further two-day suspension.

On the court (before and after play)

  • Non-Marking indoor court shoes only
  • Sanitize door handle and equipment before and after play
  • Do not wipe hands on walls
  • No food and beverage permitted on courts

Yoga policies

Yoga reservations

Reserve a yoga class online or in person at CARSA Membership Services.

Online reservations will be available 72 hours prior to the start of each class time and closes 5 minute prior.

Yoga cancellation and no show

We understand life can be hectic at times but please plan to arrive 10 minutes before class begins. In order to preserve the experience for all participants and reduce the risk of injury, we cannot admit anyone who arrives after the scheduled class start time. Reservation cannot be guaranteed if arriving late and could result in a no show. Effective June 12 2023, studio doors will be locked once a class has begun.

How to cancel

To cancel your Mind Body Wellness class requires a Netlink ID or CARSA Account ID.

  • Go to
  • Log in using your Netlink ID or by using your email or username.
  • Once logged in, select your ID in the top right corner and choose Profile.
  • Select Program Registrations, then choose the Mind Body Wellness class you would like to cancel by clicking the dots to the right. Then select Cancel Registration.

Yoga check in

New process effective January 3, 2023.

Check in takes place inside the studio. Participants will self-check themselves in for class using the iPad mounted on the studio wall. Please plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to your class start time. Failure to check in will result in a no show.

Arriving late

We understand life can be hectic at times but please plan to arrive 10 minutes before class begins. In order to preserve the experience for all participants and reduce the risk of injury, we cannot admit anyone who arrives after the scheduled class start time. Arriving late to class may result in a no show.

Cleaning and modifications

Upon Arrival
  • Please come ready to workout.
  • Sanitize or wash hands for minimum of 20 seconds with soap and water or sanitizer prior to entry.
  • Please check in yourself inside the studio as early as 10 minutes prior to class start time.
Space Modifications
  • Fans are unavailable until further notice.
  • Yoga mats are unavailable until further notice.
Cleaning and Sanitization
  • Sanitize equipment before and after use.
  • Sanitize all equipment you used during your workout. Prompt clean up is required and appreciated.
  • Return equipment to where you found it.
  • Place used rags into designated bins as you exit the studio.